My Bold Adventure

Hints and Tips Anita Shortland Hints and Tips Anita Shortland

Artist’s Block: 5 tips to get you unstuck

There are infinite ways to be creative and no wrong or right way to be an artist. It’s better to make something, anything, than to feel stuck. Letting go of perfectionism and just enjoying the process is a great way to get started. Not everything you make needs to be a masterpiece (and if you haven’t made anything in a while, why should it be?). Here are some suggestions to help stretch your creative legs:

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Reviews Anita Shortland Reviews Anita Shortland

Book Review: Fresh Paint

The book gives you all the information you need to get started and refer back to as you go. It’s not a linear, step-by-step set of instructions to get you directly from A to B, but rather a map and compass to guide you as you wander and explore whichever direction takes your fancy. Sometimes making new discoveries, or stumbling on fresh perspectives of familiar landmarks. Sometimes lingering or returning, finding well-worn paths and forgotten tracks that all combine to reveal the hallmarks of your unique creative style.

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