100 paintings in one year.

It sounds like a lot of work. And it is.

Mostly joyful, sometimes frustrating, always intriguing. The experience of finishing 100 small works on paper as part of Flora Bowley and Lynzee Lynx’s online Fresh Paint* course helped me develop my daily art practice, find my own style and build my confidence as an intuitive artist, while still working long hours in my full-time job. In fact, doing this work helped me get through what was a gruelling 12 months professionally.

Here are some of my favourite pieces, created between April 2020 and April 2021. I hope they may inspire you.

*Fresh Paint is a big chunk of my work and development as an artist to date, so I freely share this information with anyone who is interested. If you decide to take the Fresh Paint course yourself, please consider purchasing it through one of the links on this page to support my art business, via Flora’s affiliate program. Thank you!

If you choose to purchase Fresh Paint using a link on this page, you will be supporting my art business via Flora’s affiliate program. Thank you!

If you choose to purchase Fresh Paint using a link on this page, you will be supporting my art business via Flora’s affiliate program. Thank you!


Rhythms of Place 2021/2022